HR Development
IICP is recognized as a nodal training institute. A multi disciplinary faculty conducts courses with Jadavpur University , Sister Nivedita University, Rehabiitation Council of India for students, professionals, caregivers, community workers and parents.We also offer online training courses and webinars. We offer consultancy and advisory inputs.
IICP has trained professionals and personnel for the disability sector since 1981, forging formal links with Jadavpur University and subsequently with Rehabilitation Council of India for accredited diploma and degree courses. At present, with certification from Jadavpur University, IICP conducts a two-year B.Ed Degree in Special Education (Multiple Disabilities), a Basic Management of Cerebral Palsy certificate course, four Computer Courses for vocational training of young adults with disability and adults from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and a certificate course for training caregivers for persons with disability.
Learning Everyday Activities with Parents-Cerebral Palsy (LEAP-CP) was a collaborative project with University of Queensland, Australia. Under this project more than 550 infants were screened to identify atypical movements that could lead to neuro-motor impairment.
Video modules have been developed for training of carers on mealtime management strategies for children with cerebral palsy.

Training & Certification

B. Ed Class Certified by Jadavpur University

B. Ed Class Certified by Jadavpur University

Course for Care Staff for persons with disabilities and senior citizens with Directorate Resettlement Zone East.

Training for Carers - Certified by Sister Nivedita University

Training for Carers - Certified by Sister Nivedita University

Courses We Offer:

B.Ed in Special Education in collaboration with Jadavpur University and Rehabilitation Council of India(RCI)

Basic Management in Cerebral Palsy Course for medical practitioners and therapists

Trainer Training programmes

Computer Application courses for adults with disability

In-service training for professionals

Internships and clinical placements

Parent Training programmes

Caregivers' Training courses in collaboration with RCI

Training in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Research & Development (R & D) related to disability, rehabilitation and allied health care

Training in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) for persons with disability

Printed and audio-visual training material